Speaking in Tongues – Power From on High

by | Updated February 18th, 2023

Jesus was interested in preparing His disciples for ministry. The last admonition He gave was for these believers to return to Jerusalem until they received an enduement of power. This was to be God-given POWER! This was to be heaven sent POWER! This was to be Holy Ghost POWER!

“And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high” (Luke 24:49).

In these “last days,” the Christian world has been awakened by the lack of spiritual power. Full Gospel people are being used of God to proclaim that Christ has never changed. “Signs and wonders” are still wrought by Christ through the Holy Spirit to confirm the preaching of the Word of God (Mark 16:15-20 and Acts 4:29-31).

The conviction that all the spiritual gifts – “spirituals” (1 Corinthians 12:1, 4-11 and 1 Corinthians 14) are for the building up of the church in these closing days, as they were for the early church, is predominant in the ministry of Bible believers! We are now face to face with the responsibility of either accepting God’s very best or rejecting the full ministry of the Holy Spirit for these last days. It is my earnest prayer that we will turn to God without hesitation or reservation until we have been endued with POWER FROM ON HIGH!

Because Pentecostal and Charismatic believers teach and enjoy these ministry gifts, there has been no little discussion about them in the ranks of others among God’s hungry people. Many enthusiastically fight God’s power. There are others who are passive in their appraisal of the “gifts of the Spirit” and still others who are hungry and open before God. The “gift of tongues” and the ministry of “other tongues” has caused more discussion and controversy than any other ministry which God has placed in the church. Since I am a Full Gospel minister, I have been asked more questions on this single subject than any other subject relative to the spirituals.

The ministry of “gifts” is again arresting the attention of the masses. God’s power is being manifest so the Gospel is preached as never before. This is the day of God’s visitation! God has promised to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh (Acts 2:17), and His presence and power is found where people have open hearts and hungry souls. I urge you to stand on God’s promises until the glory that characterized the early Church rests upon our lives and the Church of these trouble-some days.

For those who honestly want to know about and experience the fullness of God’s Spirit in your lives, God will once again cause them to receive an enduement of POWER FROM ON HIGH!

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